Managing Finances In Challenging Times 2


SKU: 9781005182519 Category:

How are your financial accounts looking? Whether you’re comfortably safe from being in the red or worrying about your next money step, this book is the answer for you. A light compilation of tips, tricks, and tidbits that focus on exploring the many different ways you could grow your bank account. No matter your financial situation. So let’s group up and give fixing up your economical life a try! This book is your basic toolset, ready for you to jump at your current financial situation to give it a few tweaks.

We have:

  • How to be great at Financial Planning (8 Steps!)
  • Income Source Ideas Suited to Your Own Style (Are you a creative person?)
  • A Taste of Different Investment Strategies
  • And so much more!

All fittingly pieced together to act as a guide, roadmap, or even checklist for your Money Adventure.

Grab your tab, tea, and a comfy cushion, and let’s dive right in!

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Co-written by Brenda Yong, one of the best and most caring financial advisors on this side of the planet, and her scribe and Google geek Regina, bringing you little nuggets of experiences. Gleaned from different perspectives, all trying to ‘make it rain,’ beneficial in the right nows money Sahara season. Who knows? The idea for your big break could be right here.

Hope you enjoy this book of ideas! Cheers! Go get that financial freedom.


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