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Do you wish to find meaning and fulfilment in your career?”

Most of us spend a large chunk of our time at work. Yet for many of us, work is more than a way to pay the bills. A fulfilling career can be tremendously rewarding, but many of us are stuck in jobs we dislike, wondering if there could be something better out there.

If you’ve ever wondered whether there could be a better way to grow your career and find passion in what you do, you’ve come to the right place!

Career Direct® is a career coaching programme that is founded on a simple premise: each individual has a unique set of talents, interests, and abilities and by tapping into them, you can discover a career that is not only personally fulfilling to you, but that contributes value to the world at the same time.

If you’ve been considering or are in the process of making a career switch, let us help you find ways to maximize your potential and achieve a career path that is purposeful and based on your unique strengths.

Brenda Yong is among the 1,700+ Certified Career Consultants for Career Direct® worldwide, and has helped many people find their unique vocations and purpose at work, while taking leaps of faith and moving into careers where both their interests and strengths are combined.

It all starts with understanding who you are and what you were created to do. The Career Direct® assessment has helped people around the world find meaning and satisfaction at work, and now, you can experience the same too!

What Participants Say